In this post, we consider stochastic clocks whose instantaneous rate of activity follows a square root process. We present all intermediate steps in the derivation of the characteristic function of the corresponding time change. The corresponding steps closely resemble those in the derivation of the zero-coupon bond price in the Cox et al. (1985) model for the short-term interest rate.
In a previous post we introduced the general concept of stochastic clocks. Here, we consider the case where the instantaneous rate of activity process has the dynamics
where is a standard one-dimensional Brownian motion and
are constants. The corresponding time-change is given by
Laplace Transform of the Time-Change
We fix a and start by computing the Laplace transform
When , we recognize this as the time
price of a zero-coupon bond with maturity in
in the Cox et al. (1985) model; see e.g. Musiela and Rutkowski (2005). Since solutions to stochastic differential equations have the Markov property, it follows that
where is the
-algebra generated by
. Now, since
is adapted to the filtration
, it follows that there exists a function
such that
Note that for , we have
It follows that the process defined as
is a -martingale. Using the Itō product rule, we find that its differential is given by
Here, we used that the first factor of is a process of bounded variation. Furthermore, we assume that
so that the Itō formula can be applied. It follows from the martingale property that the drift term in the above differential has to vanish. We obtain the PDE
with terminal condition for all
. We postulate a solution of the form
We also require that such that
for all
and the terminal condition is satisfied. Substituting into the PDE yields
Here, the second step follows from being strictly positive. Since this PDE has to hold for all values of
, the term that multiplies it has to be equal to zero and we obtain the first ODE
with terminal condition . Setting this term equal to zero in the original PDE yields the second ODE
with terminal condition .
Solving the ODEs
The first ODE is of the Riccati type and can thus be simplified using the standard transformations for this class. We start by defining
such that
and get
We now set
such that
and get
This is a homogeneous second order linear ODE with constant coefficients and can be solved using standard methods. We note that has been fixed and make another substitution by defining
such that
. We get
The characteristic equation is
with roots
We thus have the general solution
and for some constants and
to be determined. We obtian the solution to the Riccati ODE by back substituting
By the terminal condition , it follows that
We get
To solve for , we first note that
which can be solved by integration
By the terminal condition , it follows that
and we get
Putting Everything Together
Putting everything together, we find that the Laplace transform of the integrated time-change is given by
The characteristic function of is
This expression is equivalent to the ones given in Carr et al. (2003) and Schoutens (2003), who both define slightly differently.
Carr, Peter, Hélyette Geman, Dilip B. Madan, and Marc Yor (2003) “Stochastic Volatility for Lévy Processes”, Mathematical Finance, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 345-382
Cox, John C., Jonathan Ingersoll Jr., and Stephen A. Ross (1985) “A Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates”, Econometrica, VOl. 53, No. 2, pp. 385-407
Musiela, Marek and Marek Rutkowski (2005) Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling: Springer
Schoutens, Wim (2003) Lévy Processes in Finance: John Wiley & Sons